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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Japan: Tips, Tricks, and Safety Measures for a Memorable Journey

March 10, 2020

Embarking on a hitchhiking adventure in Japan can be an exhilarating and budget-friendly way to explore this captivating country. However, hitchhiking in Japan requires careful planning, cultural awareness, and a commitment to staying safe. In this list, I’ll share essential tips to help you navigate the roads, connect with locals, and uncover hidden gems beyond the typical tourist spots. These tips will equip you with the knowledge and…

Authentic Sri Lankan Crab Curry: A Culinary Journey to the Spice Island

January 22, 2020

Local cuisine is always what I’m looking to explore when I visit a new country. It provides insights into different cooking methods, spices, ingredients, and eating habits, which can reveal a lot about the culture, people, and history. Sri Lanka’s cuisine draws significant influence from South Indian cuisine while maintaining its unique identity. Being an island located in the Indian Ocean with a tropical climate, coconuts and seafood…

Beyond the Plate: Uncovering the Unborn Duck Delicacy of Cambodia

January 17, 2019

Cambodia has many peculiarities from the perspective of Westerners. In every corner, you can encounter surprising or even shocking aspects of their lifestyle or eating habits. It is essential to prepare for numerous surprises, particularly when visiting a local market. One rather common occurrence that astounded me was the sight of what appeared to be a regular egg stall in the market. However, upon closer inspection, I discovered…