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Unforgettable Tales from the Japanese Hitchhiking Experience

January 17, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to embark on a journey through the captivating landscapes of Japan, armed with nothing but your trusty thumb and a sprinkle of wanderlust? I’m here to share some of my most unforgettable hitchhiking stories from the Land of the Rising Sun. Sendai to Aomori To hitchhike in Japan is quite challenging. Considering that the entire country is highly urbanized with numerous…

Preserving Tradition and Nurturing the Land: What is to be a Small Rice Grower

January 17, 2021

In the sprawling landscapes where nature’s harmony converges with human perseverance, an ancient and essential profession flourishes: rice cultivation. Amidst the rise of modern agricultural practices, there exists a cohort of dedicated individuals who nurture the art of small-scale rice farming. TG and his parents are small rice growers from Kampung Alab Lanas Sook Keningau in Borneo. Here are their thoughts about the challenges they face and the…

Seaweed Mamas

August 29, 2020

With every sunrise, the women of Zanzibar dot the beaches to start their work. They are the seaweed farmers, taking advantage of the low tide to collect seaweed that washes ashore throughout the night, plant seedlings, and harvest the crop. About 80% of the seaweed farmers are women, and kids can often be seen joining them. Seaweed is the third most productive sector after tourism and cloves in…